So here's the deal:
Back in 2008 we were fortunate enough to have partnered with an online radio station to broadcast incredible tracks live via the interweb to awesome people all over the Universe. Right now we're working on getting some air time, but until then we will be putting together a Monthly Podcast to go with everything you soak up on our site.
Like with all other aspects of Red Banana Media, we are striving to get the music of top notch indie artists into the eardrums of hungry listeners! There are a few ways you can help us make this the best possible thing in your lives:
1. ARTISTS: We don't want your souls. We don't want your money. We just want your music. The tracks and interviews in our podcast will coordinate with our web content, so if you have a big show or release coming up that you would like us to help you promote* just give us a shout! You can email Lindsay at and she'll take good care of you.
2. LISTENERS: If there is a band or musician that you think the world absolutely must hear, please send us a tip. Go ahead and email Lindsay as well - (She likes getting email.) We're all here to spread the goodness that is top notch music. Throw some new ingredients into the pot and we'll make sure it comes out delicious.
*not all materials submitted will be reviewed or featured by the RED BANANA.