Sunday, July 27, 2008


I am excited to be bringing new music to your ears from a band that, over the past 3 years, I have grown to love immensely.  The Miracles of Modern Science.  This is not your typical rock/pop.  Instead, MOMS is like a futuristic orchestra on Mars, with their uniform of silver space suits to prove it!  Their music is richly textured and original, and, from everything I've been told, is absolutely electrifying live!  Everything I have heard coming from them is characterized by bold, creative choices, conquered with artistic care.  While listening to MOMS, the music takes on an organic identity, which the brain allows to wander and embed into the depths of your imagination.  Their latest track, "Eating Me Alive", is no exception.  It is edgy enough to sate any musical appetite, and the mindscape painted by the instrumental introduction alone is worth listening for.  You can guarantee we will be bringing you more information on this band in the future.  I'm sure there will be much to report! 

Band Members:

Kieran Ledwidge (violin)
Josh Hirshfeld (mandolin, vocals)
Tina Kim (cello)
Tyler Pines (drums)
Evan Younger (bass, vocals)

Miracles Of Modern Science on MySpace: 


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